What to Pack in Your Carry-On Bag for Your Baby

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Traveling with a baby is bound to be a little stressful, but by preparing ahead you can make things a lot easier. If you’re about to embark on a flight with your little one in tow, there are a few things you can’t forget. Here is a list of essential items to bring when traveling with your baby.

What to Pack in Your Carry-On Bag for Your Baby 

  • Diapers and wipes – pack more diapers than you think you’ll need. You never know when your baby will surprise you with a blowout diaper, or when your trip takes longer than expected.
  • A change of clothes or two and a pair of pajamas. The extra outfits are necessary in case your baby has a blowout diaper or otherwise gets her clothes dirty. Also bring a jacket in case the weather changes. Keep in mind that when traveling by plane, it gets very cold when you’re in the air, so dress your baby warmly.
  • An extra shirt for you in case your baby spits up on you.
  • Food – As with everything, bring more than you think you’ll need. Bring clean bottles (if you’re formula feeding), containers of baby food (don’t forget to pack a few baby spoons!), a sippy cup with some water or juice and a zip top bag of finger foods (such as cheerios or cubes of cheese) for an older baby.
  • At least one old toy and one new toy: The old toy for the comfort and familiarity it brings, and a new toy to entertain your baby.
  • Two receiving blankets. One to cover the baby when she sleeps, one to change baby on top of.
  • Two pacifiers, if your baby uses them, in a zip top bag. When traveling by plane, it’s a good idea to have your baby suck on a pacifier during take off and landing. If you’re breastfeeding, feed baby during these times to prevent potential ear pain from the pressure changes.
  • Additional items to pack: Diaper rash cream, 2-3 bibs, burpcloths, hand sanitizer for you and a brush for baby’s hair so he looks cute and presentable once you reach your destination!

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